Comfortable with Uncertainty

At the heart of being a human becoming, it seems to me, is a disciplined capacity to be comfortable with uncertainty … in all its various forms.


Not least of these is in regard to our notions of what’s going on in the world, i.e., the stories we all get ‘attached to’ … so as to make the world seem more predictable.


Letting go of the ’emotional’ attachment, i.e., the willingness to defend, we feel to both our shared stories as well as our personal stories is a lot harder to do than to say; much like letting go of the Tar-Baby was for Br-er Rabbit.  These stories, for us cognitive creatures, serve as our ticket to belong and, as social creatures, we’re very much rigged to want to be a part of a social group.

I suppose this is a description of the lure of ‘ego’ but its not easy to relinquish.

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