Welcome to Human Becomings!

This is a stammtisch site for discussing concepts, insights, possibilities and strategies for evolving the global culture towards greater adaptability and inclusiveness.

We have long thought of ourselves as ‘Human Beings’ yet at our very core is an ability to experience what is ‘novel’ and ‘unique’ and engage it with immediacy.  It is in this mode of ‘being’ that we truly engage ‘others’ and fully experience what it means to be a living essence. In this sense what we ‘really’ are is not any kind of ‘Human Being’ at all but rather more poetically, ‘Human Becomings’.

I’ll be posting thoughts on the nature of Human Becomings and ideas on how we all might collectively contribute to a global cultural evolution that leads to a shared embrace of that narrative.

I’m very much hoping to see your’s thoughts and ideas here as well.  Please help make this site into all that it can be.